01.7. Touch Input Setup for Mobile

Set up Pixel Streaming in your own project - Core Settings

In order to have functional Touch input when interacting with the Pixel Stream on a touch enabled device, you will need to enable the following touch related settings.

  • Select Edit > Project Settings > Engine > Input, and tick 'Enable Gesture Recognizer’.

Note: 'Enable Gesture Recognizer’ will allow your application to react to common touch functions such as 'Pinch to zoom' or 'Swipe'. Previously the 'BP_Arcware_Pawn' from the Arcware Pixel Streaming Template Project required this setting to allow the 'Pinch' (to zoom) gesture to work correctly. However the 'Pinch' gesture does not trigger on IOS, so we build a custom Pinch function that doesn't rely on the dedicated 'Pinch' gesture.

  • Now open your 'Player Controller' blueprint and in the Details panel tick 'Enable Touch Events'

Once you have enabled those touch settings, you can now add the blueprint functionality reponsible for controlling the touch input events. We recommend downloading the 'BP_Arcware_Pawn' from the Arcware Pixel Streaming Template Project. In the Pawn there are existing blueprint functions for 'Camera Rotation With Touch' or 'Zooming with the Touch Pinch Gesture'. The touch blueprint functions could be copied to your own Player Pawn blueprint or you can instantly use the 'BP_Arcware_Pawn' in your project with little setup required.

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