01.6. Mouse
Set up Pixel Streaming in your own project - Core Settings
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Set up Pixel Streaming in your own project - Core Settings
Last updated
The mouse settings you need depend on how you intend to set up your UI, either in-game UI or in-web UI...
Step 1. Hide in-game Mouse cursor
Navigate to Project Settings > Plugins > Pixel Streaming and set the 'Default Cursor Class Name' to use 'HiddenCursor'. When streaming your application you may notice two mouse cursors active on the screen, that's because an additional mouse cursor is provided in-game from Unreal Application. When using UI set up in a webpage we don't need the in-game mouse cursor, so we hide it here...
Step 2. Disable Mouse Lock options in Unreal Engine
Navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Engine > Input
Set 'Default Viewport Mouse Capture Mode' = 'Capture Permanently Including Initial Mouse Down' In most projects this value is sufficient. It means that the game window will always react to mouse input, even the first click in the window.
Set 'Default Viewport Mouse Lock Mode' = 'Do Not Lock' Setting this as 'Do Not Lock' means the user can freely click the surrounding HTML buttons without having to always press 'Escape' first to unlock the mouse cursor from the stream window. (Please be aware this setting is overridden by the 'Mouse Lock' option in Arcware Cloud project settings. Despite it being overridden, we still recommend to set this value in Unreal Engine as well, in case you test the project locally without Arcware Cloud settings)
Step 3. Disable Mouse Lock option in Arcware Cloud platform
Inside your project page in Arcware Cloud navigate to Settings > General >
Set Mouse Lock to Disabled Setting this as 'Disabled' means the user can freely click the surrounding HTML buttons without having to always press 'Escape' first to unlock the mouse cursor from the stream window. Disabling it also means the mouse cursor provided by the web browser will be visible. (Please be aware, this setting overrides the 'Default Viewport Mouse Lock Mode' value set in Unreal Engine)
Step 1. Show in-game Mouse cursor (only relevant if 'Mouse Lock' is enabled in Arcware Cloud)
Navigate to Project Settings > Plugins > Pixel Streaming and set the 'Default Cursor Class Name' to use 'DefaultCursor'. If you have enabled the 'Mouse Lock' feature from inside Arcware Cloud, you will notice that it automatically hides the mouse cursor provided by the web browser. So in order to interact with your in-game Ul you will need to make sure that the in-game mouse cursor is visible instead.
Step 2. Enable Mouse Lock options in Unreal Engine
Navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Engine > Input
Set 'Default Viewport Mouse Capture Mode' = 'Capture Permanently Including Initial Mouse Down' In most projects this value is sufficient. It means that the game window will always react to mouse input, even the first click in the window.
Set 'Default Viewport Mouse Lock Mode' = ''Lock On Capture'' / ''Lock Always'' / ''Lock in Fullscreen'' Using one of these mouse 'Lock' options, you could for example lock the player camera rotation to the mouse, so the camera follows the mouse regardless of whether the user is clicking down or not (such as in first person games). (Please be aware this setting is overridden by the 'Mouse Lock' option in Arcware Cloud project settings. We still recommend to set this value in Unreal Engine as well, in case you test the project locally without Arcware Cloud settings)
Step 3. Enable Mouse Lock option in Arcware Cloud platform
Inside your project page in Arcware Cloud navigate to Settings > General > Mouse Lock
Set Mouse Lock to Enabled Setting this as 'Enabled' means your mouse will be locked inside the stream window and the mouse cursor provided by the web browser will be hidden (leaving only the in-game mouse visible, *if it's visible*). This can be useful for 1st person experiences where the camera should be locked to the mouse position regardless of whether the user is clicking down or not. With this enabled you will now have to press Escape to unlock the mouse from the stream window. (Please be aware, this setting overrides the 'Default Viewport Mouse Lock Mode' value set in Unreal Engine)
Step 4. Activate the mouse only when in-game UI Menu is open (Optional) In projects using in-game UI, you maybe only want to activate the in-game mouse cursor when the UI menu is open.
Toggle the in-game mouse visibility at runtime: You can set the same values as seen in Step 1. ('HiddenCursor' / 'Default Cursor') via the blueprint nodes below.
Toggle the in-game mouse input at runtime: You can decide if mouse clicks go to your game or to your UI, via the 'Set Input Mode Game Only' and 'Set Input Mode Game and UI' blueprint nodes. To form the base of your menu open/close logic, you would combine the Mouse visibility and the Mouse Input nodes, to only allow mouse usage when the menu is open. Which would look like this...
Note: The two mouse configurations listed above for in-Web UI / in-game UI are fitting the common use cases on Arcware Cloud, however they are only recommendations and the settings can of course be combined in any way to suit your project needs.
Note: In Edit > Project Settings > Pixel Streaming you have maybe noticed the setting below called 'Mouse always attached' (See Screenshot below). This is an additional method to hide the mouse cursor, but It is not recommended to use it, as from our own experience disabling it stops the user from being able to perform double clicks during streaming.