Blueprint overview

In the player controller of the project the following blueprints are used:

  1. Checking if the descriptor contains the FieldName "CreateScreenshot" => here the command comes from the button at the frontend.

  1. To prevent spamming a "DoOnce" node is used. The C++ function "TakeScreenshot" is called and saves the screenshot locally. A delay is added to give enough time to create and save the screenshot server side.

  1. "TakeScreenshot" takes the screenshot(ScreenshotRequest), saves it with an UUID4 name and sets the full screenshot path for later accessibility.

  1. Send the saved file to the frontendt via pixelstreaming. A delay is added to ensure the action is completed before continuing.

  1. Deleting the image at the backend (after sending it) to prevent amassing data.

  1. Send a message to the frontend that this event was triggered and completed. This resets the "DoOnce" node.


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