05. Upload and manage your Unreal packages
Arcware Cloud user portal - Getting Started
Last updated
Arcware Cloud user portal - Getting Started
Last updated
Before uploading a packaged project to Arcware Cloud, please make sure that you follow the minimum required steps to prepare your package for streaming...
Unreal Engine Version Ensure you are using a supported version of Unreal Engine (4.27 or 5.1 or 5.2 or 5.3)
Ensure your application starts fast and allows immediate connection to the signaling server. - The Unreal Engine application must start within '15' seconds - Pop-up messages that require user interaction during the application start-up, must not be present. - Startup animations/videos that prevent the immediate connection to the pixel streaming signaling must not be present.
Enable the Pixel Streaming plugin in your Unreal Engine project. If you already have a packaged project and you're not sure if the Pixel Streaming plugin is enabled, you can navigate to the following folders to check if the plugin is present or not...
Add the Pixel streaming input component + Set Resolution blueprint nodes. Please follow the link below...
Package your project. Before packaging, make sure you assign the desired Game Mode + Default Map in the 'Project Settings'. Packaging as a 'Windows - Shipping' build is recommended.
Zip up your packaged project files. You can either zip the root folder containing your package (Zip method 01) or zip all the contents from within the root folder (Zip method 02)
Package Ready... Now you have a packaged Unreal Engine application ready to upload to Arcware Cloud.
The steps listed above are the minimum required to turn your Unreal Engine project into a testable streamed application. To get the highest quality experience and ensure you have all desired features working correctly in your streamed Unreal Engine application, please consult the following section with a more in-depth guide to preparing Unreal Engine for Pixel Streaming. Set up Pixel Streaming in your own project
Log in to Arcware Cloud, open your streaming project. Go to https://platform.arcware.cloud, navigate to the 'Projects' tab and choose the streaming project for which you would like to upload the package into.
Project overview. 1. You will notice in the top right corner of the project page, your project is automatically set to 'Disabled' until you upload your first package. 2. Once inside your desired project, click on the 'Packages' section.
Upload your zipped package to Arcware Cloud. Once inside the 'Packages' section, Drag and drop your zipped package into the upload box (manual browsing to your package is also possible). The upload will start immediately.
Note: If you don't yet have an Unreal Engine project, but you would like to test the upload process, an example package is provided here... https://arcware3d.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/Evlm0MS-Y-RFnGoRw57l29EBjffjddrX30-uDxNwb2BgVA?e=CF87FP
Track the upload/scanning/gauging progress. Every upload you do will be shown in a list with their respective status. If you refresh the page during the upload process you will see a notification asking if you want to continue where you left off.
After the upload process has finished, you can then observe the status of the following stability checks for your package.
Your upload will not automatically be available for streaming. It first needs to undergo virus scanning and a simple automated test, to check that pixel streaming is enabled and that your application doesn't crash on startup.
Release your package. If Upload / AV Scanning / Testing phases are all successful, you will then be presented with the option to 'Release' your package.
Note: The default platform behavior is that the package is not released automatically, however, there is a toggle to 'Auto-Release' your package once the upload is finished.
When you release the package it will kill all current running connections to your stream, thus, you should plan when to do new releases in order not to disrupt your stream users.
After pressing the release button, it will still take some time to download your package to our system and to distribute it on the servers. Please wait approximately 30 minutes for the stream to be viewable.
Enable Project Now that you have uploaded your first package to your project, you will be able to 'Enable' your project, to allow it to be streamed.
Warning: If your Unreal Engine package shows it has uploaded successfully but does not seem to start correctly after releasing it on the platform, please consider the following Unreal Engine application 'start-up' guidelines... - The Unreal Engine application must start within '15' seconds - Pop-up messages that require user interaction during the application start-up, must NOT be present. - Startup animations/videos that prevent the immediate connection to the pixel streaming signaling If any of these issues are present in your uploaded package, then eventually, you will notice the project is automatically disabled after some time. If this happens, it's because the Arcware Cloud platform recognizes that your application does not start after multiple attempts and subsequently disables the project, to spare your streaming resources. We will work on more automated feedback for this in the future. Currently, the best thing you can do to avoid these issues is to debug your applications start-up on your local machine, before uploading it to the platform.
Note: Arcware Cloud displays all past uploads for you (failed and succeeded), to keep an overview of all your attempts. You have the ability to Delete previous uploads to keep the list clean. It will always be possible to release past uploads again, providing that you haven't deleted them from the list.
Note: Add 'Tags' to your Unreal Engine package uploads. This will keep your uploads manageable and help to identify the package uploads you consider to be 'stable'. You may want to revert back to a stable version of your stream at a later stage.
Note: Please keep in mind that you have a limited amount of package 'Uploads' / 'Releases' (the limit is determined by your tenant plan for each project/each month)
There is also the possibility to delete an uploaded package from your uploads list by clicking the Options button next to your desired upload, and then clicking 'Delete'. You can't delete the actual Project on the platform yourself, but you can however delete the uploaded packages from the project instead if you want to remove your data.
Note: Deleting previously uploaded packages from the list will not increase your overall upload limit for the month.