06. Setting up your project
Arcware Cloud user portal - Getting Started
Last updated
Arcware Cloud user portal - Getting Started
Last updated
For setting up your project, browse to the project you want to edit in your project list and select it or press the "Details" button. In the project's overview page you will find the button for "Settings", see Image 1.
In the settings, currently, you will find three tabs "General", "Stream" and ''WebSDK''
Enable / Disable - Enables / disables your project from streaming. Turning it off will prevent the project from creating costs and from streaming.
Project name - A friendly name under which your project will be available. Setting up a proper name can be helpful in communication with Arcware support. For using your project in streaming, only the automatically generated GUID is used.
Automatic Unreal Engine Version - You can't edit this setting, but it will automatically select the Unreal Engine version of the project by reading the uploaded package. A different set of parameters is applied to your project depending if UE4 or UE5 is selected.
Manuel Unreal Engine Version (Deprecated Method) - Here you can manually select which version of Unreal Engine the project was built with. This will be eventually replaced by the 'Automatic Unreal Engine Version'.
Display Resolution - Maximum resolution supported and being used by WebRTC player. By default, we limit the max resolution to FullHD. If you need higher resolutions please contact Arcware support to increase the maximum.
Dynamic Resolution - This setting allows your Unreal application to adapt to any resolution or aspect ratio. Typically you will want this setting enabled, but you might have a project that requires a fixed aspect ratio instead.
For the Dynamic Resolution to work Unreal Engine needs to be configured properly, for this please also read 01.3. Resolutionand 01.4. Camera Aspect Ratio
Touch Capabilities - Enable this option if your Unreal package has touch inputs set up correctly and can be used on touch devices.
Hovering Mouse - Disable this option if you want the mouse to be locked inside the stream window (this also hides the mouse cursor from the browser, and means you can not click external UI until you press escape)
Remove ''Powered by Arcware'' Logo - This option is not available to Trail plans, only paid plans. It allows you to remove the ''Powered by Arcware'' logo from your stream.
There is also a hidden setting called 'Auto Play'. This setting determines whether the stream automatically starts after a successful load, or if a play button must be pressed first in the web player. The default behavior is Auto Play option being turned on. Turning it off might only be worth it in some edge cases, please contact Arcware support in such a case.
Maximum streams (concurrency) - This is the maximum number of concurrent streams that can run simultaneously for this project. If you have an allowance of concurrent streams provided by your subscription plan, then you can assign them here or distribute them evenly between all of your projects. There is no guarantee, that Arcware can always scale out to this number. If there is a requirement for guarantess => please contact Arcware Sales for individual solutions. There is also a hidden option for so-called 'pre-warmed' Streams, meaning streams that are already running in the background to reduce waiting times completely. With this setting there is also an option for guaranteed streams, via contacting Arcware Sales.
Reconnection Threshold - This is a threshold on how long an instance is kept alive to reconnect. E.g. on an unwanted refresh of the browser page with F5 or on short connectivity loss of your device, you will return to that same session within that time period. Please note, that this time is subject to streaming costs. (Currently, this setting is only changeable by contacting Arcware through the Help Center in Arcware Cloud)
Maximum instance run-time - The maximum time an instance of your stream can run in total, before it gets automatically disconnected. (this feature has priority over the AFK timeout)
Overwrite afk-module - The AFK module is used to automatically disconnect inactive streams. This will help you keep your streaming costs down, to avoid your stream being left open/running by inactive users. Enable this setting if you want to overwrite the standard 'Timeout' values used for the AFK module.
Enable Timeouts (Editing the timeout values is possible if the 'Overwrite afk-module' is enabled) 5.1. Warn Timeouts - Count down until AFK Warning appears. 5.2. Error Timeouts - Count down until the 'Error Event' is triggered, after AFK warning. 5.3. Action Timeouts - Count down until the session will be ended, after 'Error Event'. Please read the following page for a deeper explanation of the AFK / Timeout feature...
Hidden feature of pre-warmed streams: Prewarmed streams are instances running 24/7 and always being ready to get connected to, reducing connection time to almost zero. Since the stream is running 24/7 it is subject to full price of a single stream per month. Currently only Arcware Admins can set up prewarmed streams for you. Also note: if a client of yours connects a pre-warmed stream, the system automatically ramps up the next instance until it hits the limit of "Maximum streams" to always keep the number of pre-warmed streams ready to get connected by your clients. Prewarmed streams are always guaranteed resources in Arcware Cloud
Queue: there is a queuing feature available in Arcware Cloud which is currently disabled per default in all projects. The queue will only work for projects directly hosted via the Share ID link of the platform or it needs a dedicated implementation in the WebRTC player. With release of the respective documentation of implementing the queue in the WebRTC SDK, we will also unlock this setting and feature.
Override the WebSDK settings When set to 'Custom', you can then toggle the visibility of the buttons provided by the WebSDK. 1.1. Full-Screen Button - Toggle visibility of full-screen button. 1.2. Stop Button - Toggle visibility of stop button, used to stop your stream. 1.3. Audio Button - Toggle visibility of audio button, used to mute your stream. 1.4. Mic Button - Toggle visibility of Mic button, used to give access to the microphone input. (Currently not available to Trail plans)
Override the WebSDK Initial settings When set to 'Custom', you can then toggle the inputs accepted by the WebSDK. 2.1. Keyboard Input - Toggle Keyboard Input. 2.2. Mouse Input - Toggle Mouse Input. 2.3. Touch Input - Toggle Touch Input. 2.4. Fake Mouse With Touches - Toggle setting for faking mouse input with touch inputs instead. 2.5. GamePad Input - Toggle GamePad Input (Currently not available to Trail plans) 2.6. XR Controller Input - Toggle XR Controller Input (Currently not available to Trail plans)